Tag Archives: music
Blue Monday
Blue Monday on vintage Casio gear
Soundtrack for Gen X
The iPhone Alarm as a Piano Ballad
The iPhone Alarm as a Piano Ballad – damn that’s good.
— Read on kottke.org/23/09/the-iphone-alarm-as-a-piano-ballad
Angry – Rolling Stones
61 years – new music from the Rolling Stones
Rising Seas
End the week with new music from the Oils – nice.
The Songs of 1984
Johnson’s Aeroplane
34 years. Still love this song – hugely underrated
Green Day
Saw Green Day on a whim with Adam and Jackie. Great night. Was interesting to see the age range. It went from blokes older than me to teenage kids on the floor.
And the guy who wore a Spiderman costume on the off chance he’d be pulled up on stage? You’re a dead set legend
Shabooh Shoobah
Tonight I’m listening to Shabooh Shoobah and I’m transported back to 1983. Songs like Don’t Change and The One Thing invoke such a strong memory of growing up in the 1980s, watching Donny Sutherland’s “Sounds” and listening to the radio – no iPods or even CDs then.
Music is such a powerful memory cue, just listening to certain tracks can evoke a strong emotional response. I can remember the first time I saw the video clip for Original Sin, or Hungry Like the Wolf with a Raiders of the Lost Ark rip-off video that I thought was so cool.
I do find however that sometimes my memories play tricks on me, for the longest time I thought the Don’t Change was the intro music to Sounds, looking just now it was Men at Work. Also if I listen to a particular song repeatedly the memories are harder to recall, that recent familiarity seems to overload the memory which I’m trying to grasp like a thread. Sometimes the emotions are strong, like for some reason Hold Me Now by the Thompson Twins – memories of being 13 come rushing back. All of the dreams and desires. Powerful stuff.