My new favourite podcast

I know I’m two years late but I’ve just discovered that Don Melton, formerly director of internet technologies at Apple, and the guy responsible for WebKit and the Safari browser has a podcast of his own. His guest spots on the Debug podcast about developing software are brilliant and insightful into what really happens at Apple, and he is refreshingly honest. Curses like a sailor too 🙂

Check it out.


The Lost Treasures of Infocom – iOS

Exciting adventures await you :-P

Exciting adventures await you !

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

If this sentence ever struck terror into you then like myself, you probably have fond memories of text adventures, or interactive fictions games from the early 1980s and spent many hours plotting maps on grid paper or trying to “hit the troll with the elvish sword”. Well now you can relive those memories with the release of “The Lost Treasures of Infocom” for iOS.

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